Forgiven and Set Free

(Photo taken from our Abortion Recovery Weekend venue)

“He heals the brokenhearted and He binds up their wounds.”-Psalm 147:3

Often times the burden of a past abortion can weigh you down without you even realizing it. You get so used to it you forget you are still carrying it around. You forget the heaviness of it until you let it go. Maybe you are in a space where you do not know the first step of letting it go. You know you are looking for something, some kind of help but you have not quite figured out what you need or where to go.

I am here to tell you, you are on the right track! You’ve found yourself on our blog page and that is a great start to finding healing from your past abortion.  First, I want you to know, you are not alone. We have met so many men and women who have suffered in silence thinking they were the only ones who felt the heartbreak and hurt after their abortion decision. They felt like they could not go to church for the fear of judgement and they could not go back to the abortion clinic for emotional help because of the trauma from their abortion.

CARE is a safe place for you to work through the wound of your past abortion or abortions. We offer abortion recovery weekends (AR Weekends) for women. Where you will be guided through the stages of grief in a small group setting. We allow no more than five participants. You will be led through a post-abortion bible study for women called Forgiven and Set Free by Linda Cochrane. We hold our AR Weekends at a beautiful ranch located right outside of Tyler. We have two facilitators, who also have abortion in their past, to guide you through the study and give you hope that there is healing through Christ. We also have a hospitality host on site to pamper you. They cook and clean for the weekend so you can focus on yourself and your healing process.

We also offer one-on-one studies for participants who they feel they are not ready for a group setting. Our men’s studies are a one-on-one study led by a man. Our facilitators are all highly trained and vetted volunteers who have devoted their time to help others find hope, healing, and freedom from their abortions, to know they are not defined by their past and that God has a mighty plan for them. He will use this past pain to glorify Him and set you free! Our services of no cost to our participants. Our ministry is one-hundred percent donor funded. All information is kept confidential. You are safe here!

We have our CARE prayer warriors who are already praying for you. You have a group of men and women who love you and pray that you have the courage to take the next step in your healing process so you can live the full, radiant, abundant life that the Lord has in store for you!